Patriarchy and Substance Use Disorder: A Phenomenology Study of Injecting Buprenorphine-Naloxone Among Students Non-Addicted to Heroin in Greater Bandung, Indonesia.
By : Samsul Anwar ( Grapiks Foundation – Bandung, Indonesia ) and Azlinda Azman ( University of Science Malaysia )
Street heroin disappeared completely from the black market in 2019 in Bandung, Indonesia. Most People Who Injected Drugs (PWID) switched to buprenorphine-naloxone (bup-nx) injection due to its availability and cheap cost while feeling the heroin they got. The Grapiks Foundation, a non-governmental organization that has been working on harm reduction for the last decade, noted that 61 students were injecting bup-nx. The objectives of the study are to analyze the history of students’ substance use disorder and patriarchy among them.
Interviews were conducted from September to November 2021 at the Grapiks Foundation with 13 male and 4 female students who actively injected bup-nx for at least 30 days during the study, did not have a history of heroin dependence, participated in a harm reduction program and agreed to participate in this study. Semi-structured interviews were recorded and transcribed during the research and the Nvivo 12 plus program was used to analyze the data.
Participants mostly Injected bup-nx in the first year of high school and during the interviews, they confessed to the daily injection and once to three times a week. Offered free and inquisitive reported as their first shot motives. Female participants from the first to current use offered for most free and injected with their boyfriends at home and schoolmates while hanging out after school. Parent fatigue and respect were reported as all participants were prepared and following the recovery program. However, schoolmates and boyfriends prevented them from coming out and stopping drugs.
The participants were too young to be hardcore PWID and will have to deal with more lasting effects of their addiction. Helping them by ensuring that recovery services are easily accessible and that they are not influenced by their classmates and boyfriend will help them regain social functioning.
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